Early Access 2 – Interim Update 1 - Feedback


Don’t know if it is a bug but ai brought the ball in the 22 from the half line, kicked out and the touche was played where the ball landed.

Of course should not be like that.

I know this might be too much to ask but really hoping for a small patch today or Monday to help with the crashing, have tried over 5 games since update and couldn’t finish a single one.

I know this might still be a little early, but I have a question about the game modes that will be in the game. Will we be able to choose multiple/all teams to play a tournament with? Create our ow tournaments?

I often enjoy playing a tournament with all teams and switch sides at half time to try and catch my own score.

Will there be a career mode where you can create your own team or choose an existing team to take to the top, starting with limited resources and buying better players and training equipment?

Thank you

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Untitled video (9)

Hi JNT and BA,

I noticed a few things in this GIF that I wanted to give feedback on. Apologies if these have already been considered or are being worked on, but I figured it’s better to mention them just in case. :blush:

  1. In this animation, the player diving on the ball is within reach of the try line. In Rugby League, you can’t present the ball once tackled, but in Rugby Union, you can. It would be great to see the animation reflect this distinction. A top-tier option would be to implement a “present ball” mechanic, where players could attempt to reach out for the try line with a risk/reward trade-off (e.g., risk of the ball getting knocked loose or ripped).

  2. In the GIF, the player dives through another player, which breaks immersion. Ideally, physics or animations mimicking physics could be applied to the second incoming player (similar to how some contestable kick-offs work). For example, the first player who interacts with the ball triggers an animation, and subsequent players use physics to adjust—perhaps bumping off or altering their path. This could lead to more dynamic scenarios, like dives into the corner with more realistic collisions.

  3. The lengthy sidestep animation is still present here, which tends to lock the player in an animation and prevent further inputs, sometimes resulting in running out of play. It would be helpful if the full sidestep only triggered with a specific input (e.g., RS left then right), while a shorter, more responsive one-foot step triggered from a single direction input.

  4. The try-scoring animation still feels somewhat off, resembling a crawl more than a proper put-down. Hopefully, this is part of a tackled-as-going-over animation set that’s still being refined, but if not, it would be great to see this reduced in frequency. Ideally, more animations should reflect a clean, sliding dive, which is more representative of how players finish tries—and makes for better highlight reels on YouTube. :laughing:

Thanks very much and really looking forward to the next major update and what that brings!


did he dive on a ball coming out of a ruck? if so thats not legal lol

Number one concern is the super glue passing and lack of offloads, there must be offloads for the game to flow well even if risky ones go to ground, people have to learn when to offload and when not to. In order to have a smooth running game offloads must be incorporated properly, I like the old high and low tackle with low tackles having more chance for offloads and high tackles having less chance to offload but better chance to get stepped. Risk/Reward systems translate well to video games. Same as jackle, risk/reward reward steal the ball risk a hands in ruck, and on offense holding on vs getting the ball ripped away or getting penalized for holding on giving team enough time to win the ruck, risk /reward system translate to fun gameplay, at the moment the game is suffering from a lack of risk/reward systems.

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Further gameplay done now into the weekend…

Having much more fun with the gameplay as figured out if I hold down the pass bumper as I receive the ball I have more time to react and much higher % chance of getting my pass / offload away. I would rather it be a quick press of the button to pass to nearest player, but for now this helps - I’ve been able to string 3/4 passes down the line and score entertaining tries.

I am having more problems with crashes which did not occur midweek as much.

An extremely non-urgent question for the imagery / design team, will the club team kits and rosters be updated for the upcoming new season? Eg English Premiership, Northampton Saints have their old crest and last season’s kit + squad.

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Hi team,

Just some feedback on the latest patch.

I trying to speak on some different aspects as everyone has given a lot of good feedback already.


  • New Referees and touch judges look good to add variations to match officials

  • New Referee animations after a TMO review look great to inform
    Everyone of a Try. Thanks for adding this.

  • I have seen the Ai make a on field mistake , yes a mistake on the field , this is excellent, they basically failed to catch the ball on the full from my player initially kicking off and they did not get in position to catch it and let the ball bounce 2 times before catching the ball. Random errors or handling errors , mistakes is part of rugby so I hope to see more Random incidents of this from the ai and my players.

  • Face scans of Chile and Argentina players look fantastic. Definitely the game continues to look better and better with new animations added with tackles and player movements.

  • Australia Wallabies players updated to put Tate McDermott in correct playing position of Scrumhalf plus new players added to the team. Thanks for doing this on feedback I highlighted with a recent ticket

  • Height and elevation of kicks or box kicks can get very high and it’s enjoyable to see.


  • At the moment I not sure if players stats are correct or perhaps the game play still to be added but I just find a lot of players particularly forwards all feel similar and the same. Either controlling them or playing against Ai. I just feel we don’t get "An Individual " feel at the moment with players when use them or play against at them. For instance playing against Argentina players Pablo Mantera, Marcos Kremer , they not making me feel like they are difficult to tackle or contain, busting my defence line or offloading , breaking tackles. It might be early days and maybe more player attributes need to be added but I just can’t see anything standout with forwards at the moment.

  • Player bodies for some argentina players such as Pablo Matera and Marcos Kremer , I showed these to a friend and first thing he said was I hope they fix the bodies. Bodies seem a bit too skinny in width around waist as you can see from pictures, particularly Matera.

  • High Tackle - I had a bad high tackle occur and it was ignored by the referee with no stoppage of play to issue a penalty or card. I really liked the high tackle animation as it was realistic and good to see because this happens in Rugby and we need Random foul play incidents to occur as part of rugby matches. Perhaps with sliders also ? But we also need an animation of the referee stopping play. Speaking to the player and either issuing a penalty or issuing a yellow or red card for the offending player to leave the field. I submitted a ticket and video of this above incident.

  • Will we see a Judiciary :judge: for Foul play ? Or a Sllider to turn it on or off in a coach season mode for a competition. This will add to squad management gameplay during a season with players unavailable for selection.

Thanks for all your hard work with everything. Hoping we can stop the frequent game crashes.

Hopefully we will see a complete URC competition added soon, especially the South African Teams added. Really looking forward to seeing all the teams complete so we can play a competition.


I’m getting an immense amount of crashes on the game. Sheer luck if I am able to complete a match.

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It’s been about a month since I last played due to not actually owning a pc, (I just have a really nice mate who lends it to me). The difference between EA1 patch 2 to now is mega.

Yes there are still the big things such as passing fluidity and the tackle range is far too high it’s almost impossible to make a line break. But the foundations are there to build something excellent!

A small thing which I think is good is that ospreys have 3 kits available to play in, does this mean we will be able to have european/cup kits available for all teams that have them?

But I agree with all other comments about the crashes, I’ve played 4 and never completed a game. 2 have been caused by kicking, 1 was from a pick and go and the other was just simply running. It’s very annoying not being able to complete a game at all.

The parts where I can play without it crashing I am enjoying, and it’s good to see the growth of the game since I last played.

I’m excited to see what the next patch and major updates bring (hopefully I’ll be able to get my own pc by the next one!).
Thank you to the team for the hard work and bringing everyone’s feedback to life.

Thanks all :slight_smile:


Ok, thanks for sharing? Not sure if you were meant to quote me or not :sweat_smile:

You aren’t alone there though. Pretty sure that is happening for everyone.


Hi, i think the game is good and have potential. Here my suggestions

1- more realism about penalties and handling errors. I’ve seen in the videos entire match without a single penalty or handling error whistled by the ref. You need to put more penalties for example on high tackles, offsides, in the ruck (such as not releasing the ball, or sinning of, not entering from the gate etc.) and penalties from scrum and maul (like collapsing or when one scrum clearly prevails over the other sweeping it away) the ideal would also be to include the option of committing irregularities even voluntarily.

2- on the line-out It would be nice if there was the option to move the block chosen for throwing forward or backward or make feints, similar to how it happened in Rugby challenge from 2 onwards

3- It should always be the scrum-half who has control of the game once possession of the ball in the ruck has been ensured and not just any player as I often seem to see. Also, in this situation of the game, you should enter the option (by pressing the left or right directional arrows) to launch the runner who can break the first tackle also like the rugby challenge games

4- Enter the possibility of create attack and defense schemes like the other last rugby game and the possibility to choose if you want your players lined up deep or close to the line of the ball. In the videos when you are in possession of the ball your players are too deep and the defense has an easy time

5- increase and improve the AI especially when the CPU opponent is attacking and improve the AI of the fullbacks (nr. 15) of both teams (the one in your team and the opponent) about the positioning

6- improve the general pass and kicking system; in Rugby Union the “territory” kicks are a huge part of the game and strategies

7- a very customizable system about creating teams, kits, players and tournament, maybe even with the option to download those of other users

I hope someone reads what I wrote and good work! And above all, thank you for your commitment


I would like to talk about a topic that has not been discussed on the forum. I find that the opposing AI hardly makes any passes during the matches, making the match too easy and repetitive defensively. I play in hard mode and I don’t see too much difference with the easier levels. Will there be a fix for this? I don’t know if other players think like me. Otherwise I’m starting to enjoy the game and it’s really starting to show its potential, can’t wait for the sequel!!!


I’m seeing a lot of flags about language issues. While anyone is encouraged to leave their feedback please keep it in English, even if its a terrible translation from Google or whatever service you want to use that’s fine I won’t judge, I want the feedback to send on but let’s make sure it’s English as that is the primary language of the forum.

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Hi JNT and BA,

One piece of feedback, though it is early in EA I am saying it now as many on TieBreak seem to have this issue with that game on full release (Apparently difficulty was good in EA6?)

But the difficulty on hardest should be an immense challenge to beat. Ideally I would be playing hard mode because hardest is too hard.

How it ends up on which level exactly is not important I suppose. What is important is that you can always win on easiest (Should be a difficulty level for learning the game and trying things out imo) and you should rarely win on hardest (Should only be playable when you have completely mastered the game and are using a good team imo). If every player finds their perfect level somewhere between easy and hard then the difficulty levels are perfect.

For context, currently 50 - nil score lines are usual on hardest difficulty with 10 minute halves. Please make the hardest difficulty level VERY VERY hard by the time full release comes around :grinning:

Thanks very much.


When is the next update?


Hello everyone,
I have a suggestion on ruck gameplay that could make the game more realistic.
I think that in case of a “stolen” ball, the referee should award a penalty to the defense. In a real match, the attacker never releases the ball and is penalized. That would increase the number of penalties and create opportunities. Of course defenders could also been penalized for bad stealing, which would give the attackers a penalty.
To get the ball back, there’s already the counter-ruck, which is effective.
Of course it would be amazing if the chances of contesting and counter-rucking would rely on the players abilities/ stats. (discipline or agressivity stat ?)

I hope you’ll find my opinion relevant!




One would assume Ai and difficulty levels is something that will be worked on in later ea periods need to get the core gameplay aspects in place and working properly first.