Early Access 4 (EA4) launch

I´m trying to upload an image and it´s imposible.

What kind of images can we upload? Size?

Keep releasing mechanics, art and functionality as and when they are ready, but we need interim updates and the next major update needs to be a big one across the board.

The roadmap had stadium creation on it for EA4, but it is not there. Hopefully it will be added soon as I will be spending a lot of time on there whilst waiting for the game itself to be fixed and polished. I also hope that you will include a wide variety of assets and not as limiting as in the cricket games.

Can you give us an indication of the leagues/competitions that will eventually be added to the game, because then I, and others, can start creating the players, teams and stadiums for the leagues that will not be licensed?

I’ll be honest I’ve got mixed feelings on EA4 so far. Starting with the positive.

Having the Premiership is awesome, I’m here for this.
The game has been more stable. Have played two matches with no crashes - my laptop is way underpowered so this is amazing.
With the improved stability I was noticing the tackle animations are improved. Not sure if that was EA3 but I noticed it more.
Premiership stadiums and teams is awesome although Exeter chiefs are not the weakest team and it’s a shame they haven’t got the players names / faces like some of the other teams yet. The stadium was a good attempt at Sandy park though.

The negatives
Much of what has been said above I agree with. AI seems harder to me. Gameplay needs work as has been said already. Whilst it’s easy to dismiss the value of licenses / competitions etc I’m very excited to see these things coming through.

All in all a lot I here to appreciate in here. Not the step forward that EA3 felt from a user perspective but I hear what our Big Ant friends have said and if there is under the hood stuff in here that helps them makes the tweaks we all want I remain hopeful. Keep the faith :rugby_football:

The lads have chimed in on the properly important gameplay stuff, as ever I’ve watched a decent amount of footage on YouTube now EA4 is here - here’s the things I have to pass on to the various teams at BA - very very happy now my team (Sale) and the first elements of the Premiership are in the game:

  • Salford Stadium: a VERY good recreation of the stadium, it’s missing the little screen hung in the top right of the West (main/corporate) stand, above the sticky out bit - gonna find a picture to help you guys along as it is a relatively new addition for Sale matches.
  • Player likenesses: a few major ones to note, Sam Dugdale doesn’t have a ponytail or hair that long IRL, Robert du Preez isn’t blonde (believe he got fined a few weeks before BA scanned the team, as did Luke Cowan Dickie when his scan is eventually added), Ernst Van Rhyn wears a white scrumcap, and there’s some more tweaks to be done on Nick Schonert, Gus Warr, Tom Roebuck and Arron Reed in terms of exact haircuts and colour.
  • Player positions: someone’s mentioned it here already but Bevan Rodd (with a black scrumcap) is a loose head prop, not a centre - hopefully one of the foundations behind the scenes in this update is the backend for squad management/subs.

Would be amazing to eventually hear chants/crowd noise unique to each stadium a bit further down the road, and one thing I must mention for the Premiership grounds: none of them sound hooters/horns for the end of each half. Closest thing to this is at Saracens, where the chime of Big Ben is played.


Exeter was on the trip I was just on, so many nice players. They will certainly be added once the art team has gone through the process. Lots of team updates from the ART team will come in the future to already in game teams as well as new ones as they are completed and approved.


EA4 is a very special update for me, as a Newcastle Falcons fan this is probably the only way I’ll see them win a game in the Gallagher Premiership so having them in the competition is a huge bonus. Although please fix Callum Chick’s appearance!

The game has progressed and seems like I am having different luck to others as mine has been smoother for support runners and counter rucking. However still haven’t won a scrum in 20h of gameplay so definitely think tutorials would help.

Have given comments below, apologies if any duplication of other people.


  • defence of maul: forwards bunch by the maul and backs fan out wide. Leaves a massive gap that AI runs through every time
  • defence off scrum: flankers slow to react near try line and exit the scrum, AI players run past with ease
  • adding on to both of the above, player positioning off set piece and in defensive situations is quite awkward and not very proactive to defend
  • very hard to tackle AI players after a kick chase, tacklers do not lock on and often fly through them
  • selecting nearest players in defence often means they stop running and you then lose opportunity to tackle, resulting in tries
  • AI bouncing off tackles very frequently and I want that ability
  • quicker action of ruckers and scrum half at ruck time highly needed
  • non throwing hooker or 9 is always first to latch on to opposition maul at lineout, should be the opposite player in line out

Bugs / Imperfections

  • players not catching the ball from kicks, particularly if near to sideline
  • AI and own players not picking up loose ball and standing around it
  • mauls do not end unless you stop pushing, not much competition
  • I press B for maul at line out and they pass it every time so far
  • when kicking conversions, the wrong players stats can come up
  • similar at try time, name doesn’t match up with the stats and position
  • lighting and skin fluorescence on my PC version…during night games, there is only one floodlight shadow which I think contributes
  • players in the start up menu look like they’re standing in very bad lighting / the dark. I turned off shadows and this has fixed the problem, but would prefer shadows in gameplay
  • scrum half being fixed at 9 sometimes leads to a no fault free kick being awarded, and 9 occasionally is at the wrong end of the pitch and gets timed out because no pass can be played
  • once my lineout players were frozen in place until next phase
  • AI held up over the line, when I selected where to do the drop out, it was immediately given as offside to penalty to AI

Nice to see

  • laws and penalties, knock ons, forward passes, general errors to break up possession
  • ability to play dangerously e.g. hold onto the ball at a ruck when isolated, collapse a maul, contest for a ball at ruck time
  • quicker ruck times
  • crowds wearing the relevant jerseys
  • cut scenes before restarts, set pieces, eg lineouts, players discussing the moves. It is currently very instantaneous and removes momentum and build up

Hello to the whole team, and @JNT_BA and @MattW I hope you are well.

Here is some feedback from the last update:

  • minor glagher championship bug: when you score a try with a player the display shows the name of the same player throughout the match.

  • number 9 behind the rucks but it may slow down while waiting for the 9 and he is often in the ruck

  • passes are improving well done

  • ball exit bug when the opponent performs a maul after a touch (as long as we push into the maul the opponent does not release the ball; I have happened to move the maul from my 22 meters to the opponent’s 22 meters )

  • line out too random for the moment.

  • The rucks are random too. It often happens that my players wait for the opposing players instead of going straight for the ball.

  • Tackler too slow to get up when he could steal the ball (the X key to steal has disappeared?)

  • Placement of my defense on mauls after very poorly placed Line out (10 meters from the maul so the opponent just has to take the ball to score)

  • When the ball is on the ground we cannot choose another player to recover the ball which is frustrating.

  • We don’t know if in a ruck you should spam the B or Y key or just press it.

  • Conversions are too easy, you can hit from 50 meters (few players succeed)

  • The wind during conversions has no influence on the trajectory of the ball.

  • When my player beats a defender he often finds himself alone behind the line (at least 1 or 2 players would be needed for support)

  • New bug the players and the ball dispear some times…

  • Idea : Juste press LB+RB in ruck to code the 10 or 15 move in the rucks axis to kick the ball ( code the player for not run just kick and
    improve kick responsiveness)

Thank you if you read my feedback, I wish you good luck for the rest of the development!

Best Regards

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Do you know whether bath will get their stadium put in the game? Their in game one looks like a grassroots club

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Appreciate that a lot hhas been done behind the scenes so to speak to facilitate future gameplay additions.

As always, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. feels like we are getting closer to having a lot of the required gameplay additions to give us an idea what the final product will look like. This is both exciting, and worrying, Schrodingers rugby game if you will :joy:


Hi @JNT_BA how does the ETA look on the be a pro mode ? I understand there is a lot still required gameplay wise but a ballpark would be nice for me this is why I play these sport games. Loved the player career mode in for cricket


Be a pro hasn’t been confirmed I don’t think so you may be waiting a while

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About the state of the game:

So in its current state I would not recommend this game to any real rugby fan. I do feel that there is a general improvement as the weeks and months go by with each patch, however the Dev’s focus is still going in the wrong direction.

After months of feedback and almost half a year in “early access” the focus is still on player faces and graphical improvements… There is a severe lack of actual gameplay mechanics (that work) and depth and tactics, if you are looking for a passing and running simulator then this is the game for you, if you were expecting the Rugby version of Fifa where you have a career / manager mode, various online modes and a offline kick off function then I think you will be waiting for Rugby 27.

Theres so much still missing it would take forever to get into, but what does the game currently have?

  • Prem League Championship which are half baked, some players dont even have names and just stated as “Number 10” ect. I get that maybe they are waiting to complete the photos of said player but would it be hard to make up a name? (This goes for the international teams that dont have names)

  • Team Editor: This is nice and all, you get to create teams that are missing, but then all that hard work and time spent on creating a team does not get utilised as there are no tacticts, different formations ect that you can then implement to your created team. (Unless you want your creations to play like every other team)

  • Passing mechanics: The only standout so far in terms of gameplay, controls and UI are good, offloading is a thing and can be tweaked in future updates to be more realistic and punishing. And in the most recent update they added support running lines which I guess is the start of them adding depth.

Every other mechanic, like Line-outs, Scrums, Rucks, Tackling and Kicking all needs proper attention from the Devs, currently it feels like the player can press any button during these instances and the outcome would not change, I would go into more detail but literally every rugby game prior to this one does these mechanics better.

Lastly my biggest gripe is the communication (Or lack of) from their feedback forum as well as the road map they released that they are not adhering too, Big ant advised that in September we would get significant gameplay mechanic updates and new content…

On September 30th we got the half baked prem competition I mentioned earlier, and the only gameplay mechanics to be added were support runs, and that they made it so the number 9 was the one to pass the ball more often from the scrum… Thats it in terms of gameplay for the entirety of September, and the funny part is that whilst the number 9 now takes priority, but the rest of the players are still in a shambles with no concept of forward runners and a back line, i constantly see my backs in the ruck and im passing to my flanker on the wing…

Big Ant will see this and think this is just another complaint, but I seriously hope that they turn this ship around and forget about Player faces and graphics (No one asked for that ever…) We just want a good Rugby game, I want to be able to manage a game and have subs be important, or injuries… Wind & Altitude with kicking… I dont care about how sexy the players look.


I want player faces and graphics to be fair. I would expect that in any current gen game.


The question isnt if you want graphics or player faces.

Its if you want graphics and player faces to be priortised over gameplay mechanics, Can you honestly tell me when you finish a quick play match that you are satisfied and feel like you’ve played a game of rugby?

And I too would expect that in any next gen game, but just because a game is developed in the newest game engine it doesnt mean its next gen.

I know i closed on the graphics and faces point, but please dont let that be the only thing you take away from my feedback.


Tbh it’s worth reading posts from the devs on here.

They’ve been super clear that it’s not a matter of prioritisation


As above it has been stated one doesn’t affect the other. Also doesn’t really matter what I take from your feedback does it? My comments do not affect your feedback to the devs, they will read it and take it on as they like.

I was just giving my opinion because you said no one ever asked for that. I did … I asked for that lol and all the licenses, I think it is great what they are bringing into the game.

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One doesnt affect the other, but there are a lot more graphic & and player/ team updates than there are gamplay and mechanics.

And youre purposefully ignorning my point, Its not about asking for graphics or player faces… its about whats more important…

but its cool, Im glad your enjoying thE next gen RUGBY title that featurs Maro Itoje’s face!

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First of all, I think that if people are so harsh with opinions it is because we are frustrated because we feel the true potential of the game, we feel that we perhaps have the ultimate rugby reference in our hands and I still think, after 120 hours of play, that this game has the potential to be the best rugby game ever released.
First of all, and we all agree that the rules must be established (offside, high tackles, balls stuck in rucks, etc.)
then you have to put in place the combinations of rear games. Support in races and for me always too far from the ball carrier.
The kicking game is pretty good, except for the drop goals. On the other hand, I found the passing game better before EA 4. Too many ground passes and interceptions. In any case I still strongly believe in this game, it’s mainly a matter of adjustments to be found so that the game continues to progress. Good luck to the developers and thank you for the work already done. I look forward to further updates

Thank you. His face scan looks great I admit.

Nonsense about people not being allowed to be kind and having to be hard etc doesn’t achieve anything either. You need constructive criticism, but within that criticism they do also need to know what they are doing right so they know the direction is what people want. That is part of FEEDBACK. Feedback isn’t just about saying what is wrong.


Straight and right in every words you said, ofc it’s only natural that for a new gen game we have good graphics but all we care about is gameplay that’s why 20 years past we still playing rugby 08, the game in his current state don’t bring anything new or any good gameplay and I’m tired of people trying to be kind telling that the game making progress I’m the first one to support big ants and I trust the process for this game to be the best game in rugby history but when your doing wrong at your job your boss is telling you straight and it’s the same here, that’s a shame that at this stage of the EA no gameplay evolution no mechanics who bring excitement i don’t take any pleasure playing more than 2 games before quitting. I’m sorry but if we want the game to be good we have to be demanding and hard when it’s the moment, we have to do better.