Early Access 4 (EA4) launch

Ok thanks for your tips there on rucking. I was confused on what is a strategy that will work with ruck wins. Yes I agree, Ai is doing less passing and offloading. Again the line depth and width being non existent prevents attacking opportunities on both sides. I aleo find a lot of passes to wingers and centres on edges go straight into touch like a bullet past those players.

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Personally I am glad the AI is doing less crazy passing. They shouldn’t just pass for the sake of passing as it looked ridiculous, unrealistic and also ended up with them losing huge amounts of ground. Sometimes 10 to 15 passes that did absolutely nothing.

If the AI isn’t going to pass with purpose there is little point. The AI needs to have an aim from each phase. Whether it just tries a simple set move from every play aka a miss pass, then a 1/2 cut. Then maybe 1 or 2 pod plays. Obviously if they were trying to execute an exit strategy these options would be different.

If they just had at least that intent in the beginning and then you add them recognising space once they find it. If no space then they go into contact and choose between an offload or a skill move to try beat that contact. Ruck occurs and they go through the same process.

Would at least mimic purpose and intent maybe.


Few more points from me - on the Quins scans, Fin Baxter’s hair is perfect on the front, but not accurate from the back (he doesn’t have a mullet), in the Saracens squad Andy Christie has started using his full name on shirts and teamsheets (he goes by Andy Onyeama-Christie now), and as I promised for the art team - here’s some references for placement of the second big screen at the Salford Stadium- just behind the posts on the right of the West stand.


Kia ora, good morning/afternoon! I recently grabbed the new update, but I’ve been pretty busy playing Cricket 24 and Rugby League Live 4, plus maybe indulging a bit too much during the footy finals! Haha.

Ruck and Binding Improvements Needed

The rucks and binding mechanics still need attention. Currently, there’s no real push or engagement in the binding phase—players seem locked in place, with little dynamic movement. There’s no contest for the ball, and it feels like the game is stuck in that moment without any real flow.

The speed of passing from the ruck is also an issue. It feels too quick, and AI players seem to rush straight at you, forcing ruck after ruck without much variation in gameplay. There’s little opportunity to mix things up, which makes it feel repetitive.

Additionally, passing off the ruck could be smoother. Players seem too close to each other, and as a result, little ground is gained. It doesn’t slow down the play, but the AI comes at you fast, making it hard to offload and create plays.
as you seen in the video below that’s the perfect pace it should be played at (i’m ex Rugger player so i’m fussy.


Replay’s seem to close to board’s also need spanning out some more

Also thanks for the Update’s and yarning with the community BA and Admin
Also is the NPC (NZ coming)?



Hello Dev Team,
not gonna add to the gameplay suggestions or concerns of my fellow Rugby gamers.

I would like to address some issues and express some suggestions for the Logo and Kit creator.

For the Logo, right now is ok, nothing different from the other games.
But seems to be less fluid, is difficult to navigate on the menus and to change between option.

I would also like to see a “fix tool” where you can set a line to place character, to let us to be precise in some area, in this context i would love to see a “Text tool” or at least a easier way to write a word/team name (Same size).

On the Kit creator, of course right now is a bit spoil… there are a lot of pattern to choose from but just once, sure this will be improved.

The real problem is the “Squish” that the Logo suffer on kit, of course this do not let jersey to be accurate.

In hope to see a great future for the game.


@JNT_BA @MattW i havent played alot of games but theres a big problem in attacking i havent seen how the attack is from the AI cause the never get the ball out of the ruck. Makes me wonder are u guys working on gameplay or foucusing more on teams and logos and stuff? All the license players and stadiums are fun yes but it wil be no good without a prober rugby game to play and i think i can speak for alot off guys feeling the same way.

What ive seen when i try to attack passes are stil floating not solid passes the time the next player receiving the ball already deff on him. And when i pass from the ruck my players drifts in to defends it should be like when u pass to the next players while the ball is going to next players u need to be in control off the player receiving the ball before he even gets the ball but by split seconds. Next thing is suport run is better but can get better last thing is when i attack with backs and i past to the player he stops or slows down when recieving the ball thats not right he needs to keep his momentum running into space.


Logged on again to play a few games and there still seems to be a lot of ongoing problems from the last time I played. Granted a few things have improved such as speed of ruck and urgency in attack however there still fair amount that needs to be improved. The main thing for me is that there is no way to replicate simple phases of play that a person would see watching a real game of rugby. I made a very lengthy post in the forum of what I would like to see, so please refer to that for details but at the basic level the game needs:

Passing - This is still well off. Pass to a back with an overlap and the passing is so slow from a player maker than you get tackled behind the line. Or tap pass and it goes 40 meters to someone completely random.
Jackal - No way to turn the ball over or really compete in the ruck. So putting players in to ruck is pointless.
Tackles - I just let the computer do it with no consequences. Attack normally goes back rather than forward.
Forward pods - The ability to crash up a pod to minuple the defensive line in vital in rugby, to suck in defenders to create space out wide is so basic and needs to be implemented straight away. Simple R2 or L2 for pod options is a must.
Play of pods - Playing and coaching rugby you aim to paint a picture. For the defence to think you are going to do something and then the opposite. So a pull of pass from a forward pod is vital as well. Holding R2 or L2 and then face button should perform an option or move. Pods should be lined up in a diamond. X or B should be a pass to the left or right from the point of the diamond. An A option should be a pass out the back of the pod to a player maker to play into the backs. Watch any game of rugby as a reference point.
Structure - Where a team puts these pods in rugby is fundamental to the overall game plan. A simple 1-3-3-1 would do for most teams at this point.
Defensive Structure - If forward pods are crashing up then user must bring the defence in tighter or easy yards will be made. If they pull in the defence the user will nullify this threat but then there will be space out wide. Good teams can transition quickly, poor teams will slowly.
Playmakers - Again watch a game and see how 9 and 10s stay out of things to do their jobs. Props should not be first receivers.

I really want this game to succeed and these are constructive comments. I hope the company makes loads of money from it or World Rugby comes in to help fund it.

Good luck. More feedback to come.


Hi Team,

Patch Feedback


  • Additional skin tones now added to player creator. Thanks very much for acting on this feedback. This definitely has improved appearances and realism for African heritage and Pacific Islander players. Very happy to see the tones available. I have amended skin tones of players I have already shared on the Fan Hub sever this morning. Screenshot below of extra skin tones and player Junior Pokomela.

  • Less game crash bugs or freezes in the Ruck. A lot of issues I can see have been fixed.
    I still had one crash from doing a kick return with my player at Salford stadium.

  • Player Bulk increased overall for creation options in player creator. I noticed all players increase in their bulk size for arms, torsos, legs. Definitely is an improvement to customise the look of players bodies.

  • Female player neck bug issue resolved to lower necks.

  • Offside penalties are being policed by the referees around ruck and defence lines only , particularly in Premiership rugby. This is great to see. Adds more challenge to the game and incidents occurring. Only issue I finding is that sometimes the referee is blowing the whistle to penalise for my players not close to the ruck running back to my defence line. So they are not involved in an offside tackle. I don’t mind this occasionally happening or if they are very close to get back on side from initial ruck area which can interfere with Ai Scrumhalf feed but not if they are across from the ruck area sideways at a distance. I have seen a few penalties issues for players far from Ruck.

  • Fan hub community server. Great to see this up and running to share players, logos, teams. Seems to be working properly. I have shared 1 team and about 62 players overall. Editing permissions are allowed for my players. It seems to be working ok. Haven’t heard any issues about downloading players or editing their appearances or skills ? Hope it’s all working ? Shared Sean McMahon :australia: this morning wasn’t entirely satisfied with my creation appearance , maybe it can be improved by someone in the community.


  • Offside is never picked up by Referee when My player is about 30-50 metres offside in front of my kicker. I kick the ball down the field, My Player waiting, gets to the ball quickly and scores. Referee does not issue a penalty for offside or rule no Try. Also seen the Ai scoring Trys this way against me. This does not look good for any rugby video game or to the person/customer in two minds sitting in the fence thinking of buying the game. Major bug issue in my opinion. Just not realistic rugby.

  • Bump off, break tackles, hand offs never seem to work. Playing on hard and medium difficulty. It’s a disadvantage to try and gain ground making contact with Ai defence line.

  • My Passes often go like a bullet in a straight line to the touch line by passing to my wingers or centres.

  • No high tackles or dangerous play with Penalties, card incidents.

  • No team management for bench.

-No stamina drain for players as the match progresses with frequent attacking or defensive workloads draining the stamina.

  • Not Winning the Rucking. Sometimes I can’t win a ruck for about 15-30 phases from the Ai running the ball hitting it up. It means I have low possession most of the match and it’s basically a match doing defensive tackling. Playing on medium and hard Difficulty. Used teams with lower skill scores overall to the Ai opponents with a difference of say 69 overall to 75, 77. 64 to 71. I still think even with this rating gap it sglukd be easier to win some possession back from the Ai.

  • Occasionally the Ai runs a full sideways distance from middle of the field into the touch line in my “22” area.

  • Lack of hairstyle options on fan hub for male players. Hopefully more hairstyles can be added. There seems to be a huge amount of short, back and sides haircuts. We need more hairstyle options that are of more fuller thick hair, curly hair, Afro please.

  • No injuries occurring

  • Wrong player details appearing for my players or Ai after the 1st try scorer scores a try in Premiership rugby. Will keep having 1st player details for future try scorers and goal kick conversions. I raised a Ticket.

  • Unable to view multiple Team Kits on Fan Hub server before deciding to download a team.

  • Defence. You can sometimes let your players tackle the Ai. You don’t really control the defence line. The players can tackle automatically. I can take a player I am controlling and just have them roam around behind the defence line as my players get quite committed to tackling the Ai.

  • Try line goal area bug. Ai player scores a try and grounds ball but Referee ignore this as the player slides and hits the end goal line touch line at end of goal line. Seen this bug multiple times. Salford Stadium. Could occur at other stadiums. Ticket raised with video evidence.

Appreciate all the hard work and listening to our feedback. Thanks all.


@JBPOGLIFE Maybe read this comment.


As stated before. People working on the photogrammetry is not the same people coding gameplay. Really not that hard to understand and pretty obvious. Gameplay systems is difficult to code and takes long to test because in most cases 1 small change can have a massive undesired effect elsewhere. Do they not test this and release people like you will also post do they not test before releasing. That is why you take what the community want with a grain of salt because they have no idea what they want.

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I appreciate your dedication to maintaining a focused community, but I believe it’s crucial to address the disconnect that many players are feeling. While I understand that you and your team have been diligent, the frustration stems from a lack of clarity regarding the resource allocation and progress of different teams.

  1. Transparency on Resource Allocation: It would be incredibly helpful to understand the resource split between the art and gameplay teams. How large is each team, and why is there a noticeable disparity in progress? The art team’s advancements are commendable, but they raise questions about why gameplay improvements seem stagnant.
  2. Gameplay Focus: What is the primary focus of the gameplay team for the next update? Clear communication on this will help set expectations and reassure the community that their feedback is being considered.
  3. Investment and Expansion: Has the early access release generated enough revenue to warrant expanding the gameplay team? Knowing this would not only address community concerns but also demonstrate a commitment to enhancing the game.
  4. Roadmap Clarity: The roadmap appears to have shifted significantly with the September update. What can we expect moving forward? Is the current expected release date still accurate, or should we anticipate changes?
  5. Console Release Timeline: Lastly, clarity on the expected release date for consoles would be greatly appreciated. Many players are eager for updates and want to plan accordingly.

By addressing these questions, I believe you can foster a more engaged and understanding community. Open dialogue is essential for us all, and it would be a step toward rebuilding trust and enthusiasm among players.

Thank you for your attention to these concerns.


The game crashed when I tried to play in the Montevideo stadium

The logo creator.


End of feedback.

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I can only watch videos of others playing, but I really don’t like the positioning of players in and around the ruck and maul.

There’s always a player or 2 way back in the pocket, far too deep to be of any use in an attacking line when the ball is passed out, especially with the current issues regarding support runners.

I get that for clearing kicks you want a player in the pocket to perform the kick, but this should be a user choice/input to place that player back there, as it has been in previous union and league games.

And there really needs to be an option to set your own line depth/width on the fly during gameplay, for example really flat/narrow within 5 metres of the try line when you’re trying to get your forwards smashing over from close in, but with the backs staying wide to drag players away from the ruck to make space.

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Bahahaha ok good bye now. Maybe you should read more above which you clearly didn’t. Then personal attacks bahahah is that all you got. You’re not welcome here.


Hi, I respectfully ask that you give console players the same courtesy in participating in the early access. Its has been months since ealry access has been released and yet we have to watch on. I respectfully ask for any update regarding the release date on consoles? JNT_BA


Hello the game lags when I play night matches but everything is fine the game is fluid when I play day matches. Does anyone have the same problem as me? thanks in advance

well best way to report it is

Teams used?
5/10/30min match?
(driver’s up to date)?
(try clearing your steam cache)?
and can you reproduce it?

Hope everyone had a restful weekend.

Big Ant, with all due respect, I’m curious what is going on with your in game grass and shading? It’s not as pretty as it used to be 7 years ago.

Rugby 25 vs RLL4