Early Access 7 (EA7) (Active Feedback Here)

Is there plans to add more pass receiver animations? Players always seem to be catching the ball behind them which slows them down and the flow of passing the ball out wide, it also gives time for the opposition to close the gaps you are looking to exploit.

I like the idea of having passes going behind the player from time to time or by players with low passing stats but at the moment next to every pass is being caught behind the player which slows down the pace and fluidity of play.


The players need to actually look where they are doing the pass, because in some case they look like robots programmed to pass.


Hey guys. Played a few more games today while doing filming, so wanted to give some feedback, will try and keep it specific to the 7.1 update rather than EA7 as a whole.

Overall interim patch has been really good for the fixes implemented.


  • Havnt had a single issue after a bump off woth players becomming untackleable.
  • AI seems to be incorporating side steps more, and not just always going for bump offs which is nice.
  • kicking tutorial is fixed and now can be played all the way through.
  • Tournament logos fixed!!! So glad it was able to be corrected and hopefully issue should now be known for future EA versions.
  • Ai offloads certainly reduced. (However AI still annoyingly good at passing the ball 0.1 seconds before being tackled, even if theres no need or pass to someone in a worse position)

Having played a good number of games have noticed a few issues arrising.

  • Stability - have had a number of crashes, still for quite mundane things like random tackles.
  • Ball stuck in ruck - there is a new issue when picking up the ball from the ruck with any player rather than passing. Player now runs in to the ruck, and doesnt pick up the ball, instead ball teleports to their hands. Some times the teleport goes wrong and gets stuck on a player in the ruck. So the ball doesnt come out of the ruck, but gets stuck in the ruck, ruck wont end, no one can get the ball, ref doesnt say “use it” and softlocks the match.
  • Injured players - ive now seen 3 injured players, i know other people have mentioned it crashing but ive had no crashes from an injury, however it is strange that the AI doesnt sub an injured player off, nor does an injury seem to impact the player really.
  • Duplicate set piece - sometimes rucks, scrums and mauls will continue beyond the phase of play, and a whole new ruck will be happenning while the original set piece is still going on and all the players are stuck in a ball.
  • Issue arises sometimes after a player is tackled but offloads. They lay on the ground and cycle the animation of being tackled then placing ball back in ruck, and cant break the cycle, be selected, or be moved until the ball goes dead.
  • music seems to to have been lost from the half time menu when you are looking at the stats, and is either just silent, or very quiet murmerings of crowd.
  • Disapeering kicker - i did my substitutions inbetween placing the ball for a conversion and the actual kick taking place, subbed off my Fly half for a new one. But when it came time to kick, no player appeared, and nothing could be done with the ball, i just had to let the clock run down on the conversion.

Things to look at for future updates.

  • AI never seem to use subs and would be nice if utilised
  • Found an exploit with yellow cards. If you are on a final warning and a subbed player causes a high tackle, there is no yellow card, and the count goes back down. So if you have 2 high tackles, may aswell sub all 8 players on, then you have better odds of getting to have another 3 high tackles before a yelow card is issued. Warning needs to apply for the entire 23 man team, not just players on the pitch.
  • tested more with conversions, and the ball going wide of the posts by mis-angling the stick on the forward push now more consistent. But think the thresholds for mistakes are too low for mistake. From down to up, getting in the middle is always perfect. But you can be about 5° off from straight and it goes wide. Same with being too slow on the push forwards, sometimes i feel like ive done a perfect fluid motion but the game treats it like ive paused and ball barely makes ground.
  • still not sure about the ruck steal balance. Actually feels more extreme, but changes match to match. Some matches that might be like 2 turnovers in the entire match (which can really slow down the pace of the game and not massivley exciting in my opinion). Then other games, its a scramble for the break down and you and the AI can have back to back turnovers from one ruck to the next, even when youve got 3 players in the ruck, and they have 1, and its hard to understand why the turnover occured. Ive also noticed since the update, more players standing about at ruck time waiting for the 3rd man to join in.
  • Games can also be ended, by you giving away a high tackle penalty after 80 minutes. In rugby union all penalties must be played rather than the final whistle getting blown.
  • Im also not sure if theres an issue with the stadiums, since EA7 released my default stadium settings in a quick match are now ALWAYS Swansea Stadium at night, and ive noticed in my URC series that because im playing as the ospreys all my home games are played at night. In EA1-EA6 that default load out for a quick match used to just stay as whatever the previous match settings were, even inbetween play sessions, if i remember correctly.

Overally some great fixes that needed to be made. Personal thanks for sorting out the tournament logo issue. And i think everyone will be happy with the bump off issue being fixed.


One thing I want to add to this high tackle should be yellow right away not 3 warnings than a yellow and even if game goes to second half the count starts all over again, 3 warnings should stay in the game but for multiple penalties like being offside or dropping scrums and mauls


Yeah absolutely, if anything the high tackles based on the animations would proably be a red card, whether direct or upgraded in bunker review. I like the idea of multiple penalies leading to a yellow card though, as certainly something that does happen in real rugby.
But obviously dont want the same exploit in the game to be carried over when its changed later down the line. :joy:

+1 on this issue for myself

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Adding to previous - may have been mentioned but is regarding player stamina, player vs. AI.

Noticing that I am making breaks with very fast players and their stamina runs out in 20m, yet the AI defence does not seem to get fatigued and my wingers are being caught by props. Interested to know if the player specific stats have been fully implemented and calibrated to make this element more realistic.

Generally feel the stamina gauge runs out too fast, eg on an intercept a back can (usually) go the majority of the field without being caught, but in the game it is happening quite quickly

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As a console user, I’m only able to comment on what I’m seeing via the likes of @MaD_Dragon_Rugby and @BearGamer etc whilst desperately waiting for the full release to get my hands on it.

The latest update seems really positive and fixed a lot of bugs - albeit sounds like you guys are still having plenty of crashes and other little glitches.

But from where things started with EA1 to now - I must say I’m being increasingly optimistic of what the end result is going to look like.

As a rugby fan and someone who has played the sport for over 20 years, I just wanted to share some things that I think may help with the overall enjoyment of gameplay:

Team and player ratings

Rugby is a pretty savage sport in that if you’re playing a team that is much better than you, then a common and likely outcome is a 50+ - 0 hammering. Maybe closer to the hundred mark if you’re talking the best teams in the world vs the likes of Russia, Spain, Uruguay etc.

Unlike football where on their day a League 2 team could turn over a Premier League team in a cup game, in rugby 99% of the time this just does not happen.

Whilst a 100-0 game doesn’t sound fun for anyone, I do think the stats and ratings should be more realistic. I’ve seen plenty of unknown players to me in the MLR with ratings on par with the likes of Antoine Dupont in the high 80’s. Even players on the bench with ratings of 87.

I think for the average gamer to really enjoy this, they should find matches against the top teams challenging (and obviously can control that level of challenge with the difficulty), but on the flip side - should also be able to absolutely destroy a lower ranked team as well. From what I’m seeing it seems like most teams and players are all ranked very generously at the moment and I fear that the game will feel very repetitive if every game is of a similar difficulty.

Dominant tackles

Virtually every tackle I see is a dominant one and stops the attacker in their tracks. If someone powerful is running at speed, then the odds of this happening is very unlikely. Hopefully player positions and stats could help with how realistic this is. But I would say at least half of tackles in a game will be a little more passive, where the attacker is able to get over the gain line - even if only by a yard or two.

I think this would make the forwards in a game more useful instead of just passing the ball from wing to wing to look for space to attack. If the pick and goes and passes to the forward pods actually achieved something and could make a bit of ground/tie players in, then you could vary your gameplay and get a more simulation feel to the game. I can’t help feeling that the longevity of the game will quickly wear off if you’re constantly getting hit backwards every single time you run with the ball and have to do the same attack with the backs to have any chance of making a line break.

Ruck steals

A lot of penalties are conceded in rugby by players infringing at the rucks, whether that be attackers holding and not releasing the ball or the defenders trying to jackal and steal it. If I recall correctly Rugby 08 had a button (possibly R3 on PlayStation) where you could intentionally hold on or put your hands in the ruck.
If you did this for too long or at the wrong time, then often you were penalised - exactly as you should be.

With rucks in the game, I don’t think people want an over complicated mini game where you have to mess about with various buttons/analogue sticks etc. Just the ability to try to steal the ball if you’re the first man there and no ruck formed, or the ability to throw men in and try to counter ruck if the opposition doesn’t have many men in there (simple button mash job for this).

I think BA are on track with this but just need some work on the animations as it seems like when you counter ruck and push over, someone then just walks in to the middle of the ruck to pick up the ball/teleports in to their hands. Maybe with the pushover animation, they should drive over the ball leaving it at the back of the ruck ready for the 9 to play it. I would like to see that option to infringe though, so that you don’t get just a button prompt to steal the ball when available, but more a timing thing where you will give away penalties if you get it wrong. With regards to holding on, likewise I would like the option to do this intentionally as well as if isolated with fullback and opposition able to turn over and score an easy try, then you would hold on to the ball and give away the penalty instead - but risking a yellow card of course.

It sounds like we’re pretty close to an announcement from Ross Symons comment on X and so probably too late in to Early Access now to implement any new mechanics or big changes, but I do think the above could be quite easily tweaked and improved on which would make the game feel much more authentic and help with the longevity.

Just gagging for a new road map or some further news now! :drooling_face:



Hello Team!
Thanks for the patch, overall improved a bit the experience.

Love the fix on the break tackle, not so much the steal balance.
I think in the previous update was better.

Especially because in 5 Minutes games changes in possession should be often. Aleady 10 phases are tedious in 5 minutes matches…

But of course this should be correlated to how many minutes the game have. A 40 minutes game it’s ok to have 20/25 phases.

Also i suggest to limit (not remove) those incredibly long passes, especially when offloading. Maybe could be cool if to pass a very long one a player charges it a bit longer, to give it some risk.

I also ask to please fix the Logo displayed on the jersey. Logos are stretched. Also improving the adding of logos on the kit tool (+adding some slot).
Also adding slots for Patterns.

Another suggesion, could be useful to have a “Random” button for players faces (and maybe to the other parts of the players aspects). Would help a lot of people, like me, that have to recreate 25+ players for each teams that we intend to add in the game.

Thanks again,
Looking forward for all the new and improved gameplay additions Ross has anticipated.


you said it all. I completely agree with you

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Think Most of what needs to have been has been said new intron is great, fixes everything you said.

Have had an issue that if I’m running diagonal sometimes time I can’t be tackled, this was when I had a very slow low rated player

Also some of my created teams badges have changed to a different badge, I also can’t seem to select an imported or custom badge

Also I know it’s been said 1000x times but it’s because it’s a pretty big gameplay issues. Ruck still needs a significant overhaul, at least allowing more players to join the ruck this will then make the pods more meaningful if ball carries risk being isolated and creates opportunities to manipulate the defence to bring more players into the ruck and create space out wide. Will also make the attack a lot less repetitive

Thanks man. I literally created an account just to say this ha. I tried to put some thought in to a few simple things that I feel could actually be realistically implemented fairly quickly and easily. But things that will hopefully change the whole dynamic of the game and how it feels to play.

Visually, I actually think the game is looking unreal. Especially once more of the photogrammetry work has been added. Maybe as a rugby fan my expectations are low after the last 10-15 years. But graphics wise it’s already exceeding my expectations.

I just pray that the gameplay ends up a little closer to where I’m hoping it will. And I don’t think it’s a million miles off now. Just worried without some tweaks like the bits I mentioned above, the fun won’t last and people will get bored with it quite quickly.


Hi team,

I am still seeing issues around players getting over the goal line grounding ball but then moving ball back for Scrumhalf to distribute. The game does not register it as a Try. If this bug could be corrected at some stage in the future. Thanks

Video time stamp 7:57 mins

Video Link - https://youtu.be/p5AbmU5AFug?si=Mvhi2KE2OLgDYlTd


Feel they should do what rugby 22 did where the player will place the ball down for a try when near the try line

Just want to add something it seems like the passing animation of RLL4 played a bit of that to see what to except from this game and all honestly thought I was playing a more polished rugby 25 game with just some bad graphics, so might be something the team can look into if it was like the tackles in the beginning where RLL animations gets activated by accident


The players receive the ball behind them like in rll4 too. If they are copying stuff over from rll4 i dont stand why they havent copied the ‘double tap face button to flat pass’ function.

Scrum half take often to much time to come, because they are so far from the action, while they are suppose do be here straight away and in position to pass (in ruck situation for example). Same with support players in ruck, often it’s not the players next to the tackles but the one so far away from it (which slow down the action a lot)



Can you please fix this type of passes?

This action is very very cool to look, unfortunately the last pass is bad.

Often the ball is thrown where the teammate is rather where is going to be.


Think fixing this would pretty much make the passing pretty perfect imo


Also the referee doesn’t always take in considération 50 22 and give it to the wrong side.


That “last pass” that still rockets out instead of going to the supporting runner is quite frustrating. Not sure if that is meant to be in there as an error by the player and just not tweaked yet (Aka a reaching out to catch but missing by the receiver) or whether this has to do with the game not recognising that player as a receiver due to being outside some type of parameters.

It is really frustrating though as to me ATM it LOOKS like that ball should be able to go to hand far more regularly than it does.

Hoping that is on the radar somewhere or is on the list at least.