Early Access 7 (EA7) (Active Feedback Here)

Also want to add bump offs are still happening way to much played a game where every second tackle AI will just do bump off.

Also had a few games today where it really feel I didn’t had any control over my players it’s like fighting with them to go straight or to stop running side ways back into tackles and than takes about 2 seconds for me change the direction that’s to late as player is getting tackled it really needs to be focus to fix

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Suggestion for Throw Ins!


  • manual jump timing for both teams is broken
  • defenders jump too early/late making steals impossible
  • system feels unnatural and too difficult
  • poor animation sync
  • lacks strategic depth



  • both teams secretly select jump positions (front/middle/back)
  • short selection window
  • choices revealed when throw begins


  • ball travels in slow motion
  • ONLY front-jumping defenders can contest
  • if both jump front:
    • defending team gets FASTER gauge
    • attacking team gets SLOWER gauge
    • two catch options: pass (Y) or maul (B)
  • if defender jumps middle/back: NO CONTEST POSSIBLE
  • ball travels in slow motion
  • can be contested from FRONT or MIDDLE only:
    • front jumpers: ultra-quick tap steal window
    • middle jumpers: normal steal timing window
    • back jumpers: NO CONTEST POSSIBLE
  • attacking team gets standard gauge for pass/maul options
  • ball travels in slow motion
  • can ONLY be contested from MIDDLE or BACK:
    • front jumpers: NO CONTEST POSSIBLE
    • middle jumpers: quick tap steal window
    • back jumpers: results in immediate tackle if caught (with offload option)
  • attacking team gets standard gauge for catch options


  • all jumps happen SIMULTANEOUSLY based on pre-selection
  • slow-motion window is when timing gauges appear
  • two catch options always available to attacking team:
    • Y = pass to backline
    • B = form maul
  • defending steal windows vary by position
  • successful back position defense leads to tackle scenario


I agree that Touche right now is broken,
But please, no Slow Motion and Quick Time Event.
They break the fast paste of the gameplay.

Then the jumper should be chosen when throwing the ball both to attack and defence.

Especially defence shouldn’t be chosen randomly before line-out takes place… should be as in real life, you follow the attacking block and decide to contest or not with risk and reward for both decisions as in Real Rugby.


Perhaps not slow mo, but make the gauge timing from throw to hand (gauge moves from outer to inner, where outer is from throw moment and inner (correct trigger moment) is when ball is at hands. I didn’t think the pace would slow, since its a line in throw. I would’ve thought the pace is automatically already broken as soon as the ball goes out of touch.

Right now the tap on jump feels unreal, a bit random. If you look closely the animations looks like a ‘gif’ its not fluid, its like an animation that plays and stops. Making it feel unnatural, it could always be improved. It brings a bit of that Rugby 08 set play in but slightly more advanced. The time of the slowmo couldo be determined by the difficulty of the game, easy make it slower (which you wouldnt prefer) while hard difficulty makes it a bit more faster, assisting with not breaking the pace)

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I think defenders should have to guess the right jump spot, then get to use RS as like their inside arm to try intercept, disrupt or knock down the throw. Just in real time.

Much too late to give ideas like that of course. But a game where the controls felt intuitive to the actions would feel better to me than timed events.


Feels like the support players are still to far from the ball, often 2 or 3 metters away/ behind from it

Sounds similar to what I proposed above, but I like the RS idea of flicking to steal or similar. With my proposed idea, players still have to guess, but actually jump when they see the throw comes instead of jumping before or after and it also opens room for more plays for line ins. The timing currently is super difficult, at least for me. I might need to run through the tutorial again.

As for the “much too late to give ideas like that” isn’t it the point of early access ,to be able to change or adjust anything for the better in game. I think one should weigh up all the possible options (more perspective) on how to improve it, to get ready for full release.

I also figured the slow-mo was no issue since there’s already a gauge that comes in slow-mo. I was just proposing to improve it, to have a better chance of stealing and having more ways to play in a line in.

I think it comes down to getting a good balance between sim/arcade. I’m going to be looking into more areas for improving and just keep on posting. After all we want this game to be the best there is and anything we say post always helps the devs even if its a “bad” idea.

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I was referring to myself and the RS idea when I said it is probably too late for ideas like this tbf.

You carry on mate, I am in the more ideas the merrier camp too :raised_hands:


I think the current system in the game could transistion to a really fantastic new version from the lineouts for Rugby 2011 and Rugby 22.
I think keep the way number of players in the linout is selected the same.
Then 1 of 2 options.

  1. keep the “front, middle or back” jumper thats already in the game assigned to a button. And your opponent does too. Then once both teams lock in. You throw the ball in as the hooker. Using the Rugby 22 system where you use the right analog stick to choose the direction.
    If both players pick the same jumper, the direction you threw the ball in comes in to play.
  • Too much towards the opponents side, they have a high likelihood to steal lineout.
  • Down the middle, both teams equal to catch (maybe players lineout stats shift likelihood a bit so better players being on your team is still an advantage)
  • More towards your side, you are more likely to win, but chance of penalty being awarded for not throwing straight also increases.


Use the rugby 22 system of being able to choose the jumper by moving the stick, and also using dummy jumpers. So you have to try and match your opponents jumper. And then you choose “pass, maul or slap ball”. And the ball is just thrown in. Remove the slow motion and QTE that rugby 22 had. And just have the lineout play out. And its more about trying to outplay your opponent at the lineout. And maybe player stats also come in to play.

I also really liked in Rugby 08, that you can also lift the wrong jumper, but your player is still able on occasion to intercept the lineout. Those rare occasions do add a lot of excitement in the moment, and does happen in actual rugby too when the throw isnt great.

Ive also never played a rugby game, where you could throw the ball to the front man, but without lifting, and then pass the ball back to the hooker and run up the field with the hooker as a trick play. That would be a fun mechanic to add to the game even if tough to pull off.


It’s a great idea, with one caveat.

Player ratings need to affect the outcomes too.


While we are on the theme of line out ideas I will leave this idea here too.

What if they had like a Madden play selection type deal? So you get boxes which show which jumper it will go to and has the lines showing say if send lifters as a dummy to the front etc? So you could choose quite complex moves without having to push 15 buttons?

Then add the timing or “skill” element after that?
So it comes up with like these … obvs a rugby lineout in the back and you have 30 seconds to achieve it all

Same could be used at scrums and even tap penalties. Then you have the throw straight skill thing somehow (I hate the R Stick with a passion but)
And maybe one for the timing … but if a lineout ends up looking like a streetfighter game with all this slow motion and flashing symbols and timer lights I will be so sad … possibly shed a tear.
Would rather select the complexities prior then watch it play out more authentically, or as authentically as it could in a game.



Love that idea ! Would allow to have a lot of possibilities !


Small problem that always happen, the players always go throw the grass when they jump for a try.


This is terrible news.

Career mode, Manager mode, Licenced International teams, scouting younger players, Actual tactics system.

This is all basic stuff you can find in Any good sports game, and its also some of the key things the playerbase has been asking for.

If this Dev team have been sitting on all that and plan to release in March ill be very surprised, but if their plan is to polish what we have now and release that in March then Holy, steam best be refunding me.


I’m gonna say it again, but pictures need to be add in the team management. It will make it much more easy to pick players.


Adding in another point on the player management. It would be a lot more convenient if pressing the left or right arrows on the player management screen acted to scroll up or down (either so that it scrolls up~7 players at a time or scrolls you up the next relevant marker position of 1, 9, 16 or 23).

Right now it feels a bit slow to maneuver around the players, especially if you’re trying to compare stats or positions available to players.


Yes or putting two columns, one for the players on fied and the second one the players available on the bench. So you can clearly see the difference between both.

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Untitled video (4)


Just watching one of @therugbyandsportsvideogame367 videos and starting to notice a bit of a theme where if you get tackled on or over the try line but the tackle animation starts before, the try line then more often than not the player recycles the ball back and a ruck is formed.

Similarly to what I mentioned in my last post about dominant and passive tackles. If the defender always stops the attacker in their tracks, then you end up ignoring forward pods etc as it gains nothing and instead only looks for holes/gaps in the defence to run though. Which is fine, but again for variety you should be able to mix things up and get over the gain line some of the time with forward runners.

Most forward try’s will be exactly that - driving over from a couple of yards out and scoring on the line or just over. Not running through defenders and getting in behind them.

On a side note…

Turnovers seem to have gone a bit wild since the last update. Seems very easy to turn the ball over now from what I’ve seen. The animations feel very rugby league like where the attacker runs in on their own and the other players hover behind. The supporting player should be literally coming in to the ruck and bridging over as the tackle is being completed and the player hits the floor. If they are isolated and there is no one around or near enough to support, then this is where you get the opportunity for turnovers. But any supporting player nearby should be bridging over the ball almost instantly as the tackle is being completed. I think this will help solve the turnover issue albeit they will be much fewer and far between. This will also make the defensive options have more of a bearing on the game. As you could go tight so they are grouped more together and less likely to be isolated. But this will leave bigger gaps out wide if ball turned over etc.

With the push over animation, I think this should only work when there is one attacker in the ruck and you are able to throw 2-3 players in quickly to counter. Once they’ve got more than one player in it’s unlikely this should be possible. When it does happen I would like to see the ball left at the back for the ruck to choose which way to pass it out etc rather than the scrum half run in and pick it up and get instantly tackled.


The defensive line need to be better, specally when you close to the try line, they litteraly don’t take in consideration that they are behind the try line, and let the opponents scores.