Launch (EA1) Patch 1 Notes

Really excellent points there with Rucks, Defence , Positioning. I hope your feedback could be implemented to change this game.
The game definitely needs a more user decision making control on what to do with the players. Right now it feels you have little control on what is happening.


Hey Ross, totally understand that player roles are more fluid than reality. I’ve noticed when watching a few games online, when the AI opposition set a 1 out runner off the ruck there are 2 supporting players who either over run the ball or fade out the back door rather than latch on and protect the ball carrier at the breakdown. Hopefully you already have this in the pipe line. On the flip side the defence around the ruck seems to be crowded there is a pillar or “A” defender then 2 others shuffling round that guy instead of maintains a “D” line. Will there be set plays in future patches?

One thing for Crowd’s in Rugby 25 to have crowd sign’s like in cricket 24 (say when you hit a 6) they throw these sign’s up…When i was at Black ferns Vs Canada here in Christchurch kids had their sign’s they made, shirt machine’s firing stuff out, Flame’s going on loud as music getting the crowd going cannot beat a New Zealand atmosphere at a rugger game

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Ruck turnovers are pretty rare in real rugby though. It happens a handful of times per game, if that.


Also anyone had Maul’s working? or had one in the last heap of game’s i’ve had never really had a maul

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Off topic from video game chat sorry admin but as a kiwi… your statement about kiwi rugby atmosphere is crazy. Game day experience hasn’t been good since the mid to late 2000s :joy: up the wahs

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No never seen a maul yet. Wouldn’t mind seeing a dangerous tackle or high tackle with the referee issuing a Red or Yellow Card. At the moment not much scenario for a penalty. Even off sides are not picked up on by the referee either. I understand that these might yet still need to be added to the game.

Dude don’t know where you are based but Black ferns and any game down here in chch been epic so…Back on topic

Based in Auckland, been to many international games in Chch, Dunedin, Wellington, but also overseas in spots such as France, Toulouse, pau, stade de France. And unfortunately the atmosphere of nz rugby is very lacklustre. So if big ant could actually emulate nz crowds that would be awesome, maybe having like 1/4 of the stadium to a blues v rebels game for example it’d make it super realistic haha

thats Auckland for you lol

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You only have to look at the round at the chiefs game where they did the drone lightshow to know there is atmosphere at nz rugby. Not France sure, but it is there. Super rugby are addressing that this next season too. The game has it sorted with its crowd size selection anyway. nice touch. If in Auckland, set to low lol.

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So happy I found this forum. I will be playing some more Rugby tonight and drop some more feedback with screenshots and recordings if that’s possible. I coach rugby myself, A serious gamer so rooting to assist in any way possible to get this game/franchise to what we deserve.


I know it wasn’t mentioned anywhere that it got fixed. But I just want to point out that the ankle tap glitch still exists.


That’s fair i used to do it when i was playing bit of a “Art” to it, but wouldn’t call it a “glitch”

overall good update, made the game more engaging


  • the update fixed the bug stopping the ball from coming out. Also rucks now form like union.

work on:
Quicker to form, however players start glitching in the ruck - no impact on gameplay just visual
player to pass from ruck is way too slow to get there killing momentum
the pass selection option isn’t always available
turn overs on hardest difficulty near impossible, more so for the CPU
sometimes a player on your side will run past the ruck by many meters while ruck is in play
while in ruck on def or attack, sometimes a player outside of ruck is selected causing you to run around

-defense has improved reducing the run around solution.

work on:
line defense is way too quick, first ball carrier often getting tackles second after catching ball on hardest difficulty.

work on:
make the ability to tackle using B further out, feels like you have to be too close to engage in B make

game froze and crashed within 5-10sec after big tackle on my player - only happened once so far out of 6 games
players drifting/teleport when making a tackle

work on:
delay/not enough time to be able to catch and release pass
passion options selected doesn’t always pass to that player
too many floated passes
pass left/right doesn’t go to next player in momentum

loose ball:
work on:
players struggle to collect rolling ball except for CPU
ball bounces far too long

work on:
kicking cutscene/lineout cuts into timer
box kick circle location way off

add comments:
defense has improved which is awesome. I feel the line speed is slightly too fast by 1-2seconds
On player attack (not CPU) agility and speed feels slower.
Can we have a slow down feature when doing the pass select/kicking so we can we can creative rather than rely on random quick passes… with rugby challenge I slowed all players down by a lot which gave time to be more creative on attack, can we do something similar.


Completely disagree with comment on only 2 players in a ruck is all that is needed (might as well go play a league game), more players should be added if you want. You have to have discipline , both in real rugby and the game of rugby. This is a huge part of Rugby knowing when to add players and when not to add players in a ruck. If you want add only 2 to then press bind 2 times , its that simple. Don’t remove and aspect of rugby that is huge, and which helps dictate play. Dynamic rucks are a must.


Actually, that is true. these days it takes only 2 players to clean a ruck, even 1 on quick ball. I actually noticed while watching today’s matches. You should take note of that next time you watch a match.

Good stuff, good ideas. Yes at least up to 4 in the ruck, I would say up to 5 like rugby challenge 1,2,or 3 not Rugby challenge 4 because it limited to 3, Rugby 22 more then 4 can , I times join, and very rewarding when you counter ruck and win. Very rare but it does happen sometime. What was the old saying “If its in the game , Its in the game” sorry wrong company, but you get the idea. Example of 1,2,3,4, and the rare 5 , this all part of dynamic rucking. Take a look at youtube video the art of rucking.


All I can say is the early access looks fantastic however the gameplay needs a lot of work ons as mentioned by other users. I can only imagine what the final product is going to look like so I’m super excited and can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. I really hope you maintain the gameplay engine from Rugby 2022 as it was actually enjoyable to play and just add setplays and the new and improved graphics. I wouldn’t want Rugby 25 to feel like RLL4 with rugby union rules.

Keep up the great work Bigant


Hi guys,

Just wanted to show an example of how the game plays at the moment with Ai. To me it’s very one dimensional attacking behaviour.
The Ai should be:

  • passing between its players ,
  • offloading ,
  • kicking with grubbers or Bombs,
  • sidestepping ,
  • try to palm off ,
  • moving quicker,
  • pop passes,
  • inside passing.
  • Dummy passing,
  • quick ball putting pressure on my defence.

There is :
-No dropped ball from anyone if fatigue sets in.

  • No penalties for any infringements such as offside , hands in ruck.
  • No random dangerous tackle incidents,
  • I can’t see mauls.
  • No big hits with a player being smashed in a tackle and the ball dislodging for a knock on.
  • No injuries either serious (Requiring a bench sub) or minor injuries with a player playing on with reduced skills / intensity

Camera angles - Is it possible to have a “close behind” (End Close) camera such as in Rugby League Live 4. I finding the current camera angles are good to have but we need a closer camera to the players and ball. It will create more immersion.

The game needs more random excitement on the whole with some intensity.

All it seems to do is run one out or pass and the Ai player hits the line. It’s repetitive and predictable.
Not much instance of tackles breaking. ( Although I realise tackle breaks can occur due to player fatigue , defending or the defending player tackle skill , Ai break tackle ability depending on player stats)

The other problem is that because I couldn’t win the ruck or get the ball from the Ai which is a common issue for everyone at the moment and the Ai didn’t do much to attack, the match went into 57 mins 1st half injury time. I couldn’t get to half time and the 2nd half so turned it off as you can see in this video. Anyway thanks for giving us the opportunity to give feedback to help improve the game. I was playing on medium difficulty. My video below