Launch (EA1) Patch 1 Notes

Quick question for boss Ross and admin, can we expect minor updates every week or will it be every other week?

For minor updates there won’t be a schedule. An example of this is Tiebreak where shortly after launch we did an online mode update, that wasn’t a set one, as that was ready to go and we wanted it to to public. A few other small ones to address some things.

Your monthly update will be the reliable time frame drop. With smaller ones not being on a update schedule.


Can you already tell us if other view camera will be added. For the moment only two differents view are available. If it s possible to add other camera view with zoom sliders ? Thanks


Hey team, will there be any new animations being introduced regarding the change of direction when running with or without the ball? I.e when in a one on one situation with the fullback, you can change directions but then accelerate to beat the defender with speed or for the defender to turn around and accelerate to catch up to the ball carrier? Rugby 22 displayed this really well and would love for that to be implemented into Rugby 25.

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Would like to see the following in Rucks:

  1. Once the ball carrier goes to ground, if the defending team gets to the ruck first, you have an opportunity to jackal the ball. You usually see only 1 or 2 players at the same time jackaling. If not done quick enough, the attacking team support players can drive them off the ruck by joining the ruck. Can introduce sliders to determine jackal speed and efficacy, as well as individual player traits impacting speed and efficacy. Have actual animations of these moves. Two players to clear out the jackal and 1 or 2 more to secure the ruck. This is why people are saying 4 to 5 players.

  2. Once the ball carrier goes to ground, if the attacking team gets to the ruck first, the support players secure the ruck for the next faze and the defending team cannot steal the ball unless they counter ruck first. The user determines how many defenders to commit to the ruck, depending on how many attacking players have been used to secure. Again, sliders can be introduced to improve efficacy of securing the ruck, as well as counter rucking. Individual players traits, such as physicality or power can also be introduced to determine efficacy for individual players, so that backline players are predominantly worse at rucking than forwards, and some forwards are more skilled in either ruck clearing or jackaling.

Each user determines how many players to commit, in attack or defense. The more players used, the more successful the ruck. If the defending team tries to jackal and the attacking player holds on - penalty for holding on. If the ruck is secured by the attacking team and the defending team tries to steal the ball without a counter ruck - penalty for hands in the ruck. Proper animations are crucial where you have individual players targeting other individual players in the ruck.

So you have a button for players entering the ruck, as well as a button to tap for stealing the ball. Good luck trying to steal the ball at the wrong time, i.e. when ruck has been formed. Also introduce referee sliders like in your cricket games, so the referee might miss some actions or calls. Timing should be such that jackaling happens rather quickly if successful, but counter rucking takes longer, as there are real animations. If there is no counter ruck, then the ball is available rather quickly for the next faze.


  1. Short passes available off the ruck, to close runners. These have to be different buttons, like in rugby 08. These are quick and flat, not loopy

  2. Medium passes, to like the fly half. These are also quick and flat, not loopy. Normal pass function.

  3. Longer passes to skip a player. These might be higher or more loopy and curved, thus not as fast. Hold the pass button for longer. Then again, to skip only one player, it could be a fast, flat pass in front of the first player, onto the second player. Double tap the pass button.

  4. Have decoy runners that you can also pass/offload to. Perhaps same passing button as offloading to close runners from the ruck.

  5. Set your backline for a kick, getting the fly half in a deeper position, with a quick flat pass from the ruck/scrum. Same for drop goal scenarios. Normal pass function, just different positioning. Also possibly slow-motion when you kick, like in Rugby Challenge.

These two aspects of rucking and passing are probably the two biggest fixes needed for the next patch. Although while you’re at it, look at smaller adjustments to scrums, lineouts (individual player animations) and kicks (buttons, slow-motion, space, aiming mechanics).

Cameras! Zoomed in for rucks, scrums, lineouts, etc, zoomed out when moving to the backline and kicking :slight_smile:


A lot of people talking about the negatives which is understandable as we want improvements
However I will be first to talk about the positives

• face scans are amazing France look really sharp they have done such a good job on face scans and if we could have every team to have face scans as good as France it would be amazing

• Graphics aswell are really good I am happy with the graphics 100%

• Cinematics although only a few are really good so I think a few more cinematics maybe the hooker cleaning the ball with a towel before a lineout etc

These have been massively improved from rugby 22 and to be fair is the hardest job of creating the game is done it’s just gameplay

• scrums
Scrums are spot on and I don’t think any changes should be made don’t fix what’s not broken their quick and good simple as. Maybe a few more cinematics like the scrum half’s winding each other up and complaining to the ref but apart from that spot on

Lineouts are quick and sharp and you get on with the game much faster which is a big improvement however some times I feel when defending a lineout it’s too fast and I don’t have time to get jumpers up but this isn’t an issue I would leave it and leave players get used to it. Cinematics again would like improving like the hooker complaining about the gap every now and then, different throwing techniques as we see in the modern game how mauvaka for France has a unique throw so just for the top 5 hookers have their signature throws and then when creating a player for career mode etc you can select what throwing technique your player will use similarly with ea fc 24 where you can select what style of free kick to use

The rucks are slow and slowing the game down if you look how France play with DuPont the ball is out the ruck before it’s started maybe their should be an option if their is no one in the ruck from the opposition then you can just grab the ball and pass it. I feel the rucks look more like scrums in the modern game if their are 2 players protecting the ball the opposition won’t commit bodies into the ruck so if you correctly carry with a pod of 3 maybe you should find a way of killing the ruck straight away and leaving quick ball turnovers should only be if you are first man in or a counter ruck but counter ruck should be rare as we rarely see it in the modern game. So my take on for rucks is just quick ball if there’s no one in the ruck your player should just run in a pick it up and pass I know it’s easier said than done however I believe this needs to be improved on


The kicking animations are poor in rugby 25 Ramos kicking off is not the technique he uses. I’m not saying that every kicker should have his own technique but world class kickers like Ramos,pollard,Farrell have their own techniques and this should be added to the game similarly with hooker throwing when you then come to building a player for Career or whatever you should then be able to have the option to select which kicking technique you would like your player to have this is out of hand, goal kicking and place kicking. The animation at the start of the game is spot on don’t change it maybe a few more animations for goal kicking but apart from that I like the kicking controls


Passing looks fairly poor but I think it’s more the positioning of the players on the pitch first reaciever needs to be flat more often than not and then the depth comes outside him and more animations for passing it doesn’t have to spin could do more league passes etc however that’s not a major don’t worry about that


The field looks really poor that needs improving looks more like an astroturf so that will need improving


What I would say is keep it to the 4 teams we have now no point adding more to early access get the gameplay correct then you can add
And the pods of 9/10 maybe could do with adding a rio we call it where a back is attached behind the pod, could also add block runners as the had in rugby league live this to be added just to phase play also tips within the pods first reciever in the pod doesn’t have to run hard he could just use the tip etc

Really exciting times I’m happy with how the game looks just some big months ahead don’t rush the date let’s get everything right first I’ve got a lot more ideas so if you want more reply to this and yeah thank you for your time


Drop goal animation needs to be fixed players don’t kick the ball when they are attempting it


The transformation kick is very too easy. I have never failed it in about 10 hours of playing game. It s not realistic. You should add a system like madden NFL the kicking.


Hi there ,

Just press the share button on the YouTube video and pop up box should come up saying copy link. Press that and you should get the pathway copied to then paste into a post on this forum.

I see. I am not sure what the issue is.

First off thanks for all the work on the game. I appreciate all the work that has been done to make this the best rugby game ever. And I appreciate your efforts. I had two things that I think would help the realism of the game.

Field Markings
As it currently is, the field markings are incorrect. The 5 and 15 meter line are not lined along the length of the field, They only appear as the intersect with the 22s, 10 meter line, and midfield. When they intersect with those lines they form a cross shape. When they reach the 5 meter line from the goal line, they create a T shape (like you already have) but the T points away from the goal line not toward the goal line.

Also the 10 meter line and the 5 meter goal line are not lined along the width of the field. The 10 meter line is dashed 7 times across the width of the field and the 5s are dashed 6 times across the width.

I have attached images to make it clear. Hopefully my writing makes sense, if not, I attached images (one from Aviva) so that it should make sense.

Coaching Career Mode Customization! I am ho that while playing we will be able to customize and change players appearances, attributes, and accessories. Again for realism purposes players do not play at the same level throughout a career. They have different hairstyles or facial hair, and wear different gear. It would be awesome to be able to customize this stuff while playing a coaching career. I get if we can’t change the face scanned player’s appearances, but it would be cool to still change their accessories and attributes. And hopefully we can do all of the above for created players!

Just some suggestions. I appreciate your efforts.



Here is the one from Aviva



There is a bug that causes players on the field to become inactive and just stand idle until there is another break in the play.

It seems this bug occurs when the player wins a counter ruck at the same time or just before another team member attempts to join the ruck that has just been countered.

Often I have ended with up to 6 players being idle at any one time. These players, though idle will still be an active target for passing if they are next to the ball runner. Causing passes to rocket past or through them etc.

Hopefully this is looked at in the next patch as it affects gameplay greatly.

Thanks very much for your attention and your work so far.


I had the same issue.


I gave u the link on your last YouTube video if you want to share it with everyone here and maybe add 3-4 things that could be great too thanks brother :raised_hands:

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There is a bug or incorrect animation when the AI is stealing the ball from a ruck.

The tackled user player stands up and performs a grubber kick animation whilst the AI player steps over to pick up the ball. This does not affect the outcome at all and play continues as intended.

Apologies if a duplicate and thanks for your attention.


I also had the same bug issue with players inactive twice last night in two different matches. During one match my player only stopped being inactive once it got to half time and then he was active in second half to move around the field.


I assume stats are not properly in with there being generic players such as N Fifteen and such, but at least when the game is fully made, it would be nice for speed to be a big factor, so that, when a winger runs down the line, he isn’t chased by a prop, and definitely isn’t caught. I just think that having a prop run through a gap and burn everyone behind him is a little unrealistic. By no means make them horribly slow, but not near as quick as backline players for the most part. I don’t think that Kolbe should be getting caught by Codie Taylor (NZL player), but also, i don’t think that your average Romanian hooker can catch Dane Coles. I think speed should be relevant to how quick they can run the pitch, for example:

40-59 SPD: 16.5 -15.5/100m
60-69 SPD: 15.4 - 14.4/100m
70-79 SPD: 14.3 - 13.3/100m
80-89 SPD: 13.2 - 12.2/100m
90-99 SPD: 12.1 - 10.6/100m

Some system like that, but also accomodating to acceleration, off the mark, which can greatly affect chases down, and break aways.

40-59 ACC: 6s (To reach top speed)
60-69 ACC: 5.5s (To reach top speed)
70-79 ACC: 5s
80-89 ACC: 4s
90-99 ACC: 3.2s

Something like that could drastically change the game, and make it realistic and challenging, and a need to shut down the wings, instead of not worrying because you have a prop there that will do the job.
Also with jockey movement, would be nice if it would lock onto your marked player, and when they perform a side step, you must move either left or right to read the step, say they step left and you move left, your player moves in and tackles the player, but if the player steps right, and you move left, they beat you on the outside and can make a linebreak. Something like that would be nice instead of just an animation.


Was just playing an AI v AI game, and this glitch occurred where no tackle is made but all the AI stop and slowly retreat.

See video below:


I actually observed one guy post a video on YouTube a few days ago. Same issue but he was controlling a team. The Ai and his team all walked backwards about from halfway line all the way into touch into the in goal. I wanted to post the video on here but was unsure as it’s not me playing the game and not my video. But just confirming it can happen if you are controlling a team in the game.

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