Wish list for rugby 24

They can just hire me on contract for the day and I’ll do it free of charge :rofl:

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Of course we all want the game to be as authentic as possible with correct equipment. That said grip tape is so low on my concerns gor this game.

Game modes
Release date


Grip tape


I have never seen it on a player and took note of it. Maybe because all the All Blacks look the same? IDK :sweat_smile:

So I guess I don’t think it’s important because

A) I didn’t know it existed
B) I don’t know what functional purpose it has
C) I have a list like many others that would have this far below.

Again, not saying it isn’t important, something that is important to you is no more important than something I think is.

I was just intrigued that it was so important to you. What about different types of headgear? Differing sock heights? Types of boots? Strapping on players heads or joints? Different mouth guards? Different undershirts or leggings?

Out of those just those few things, where would the sock grip thingies come in for you? At the top?

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I think Grip tape should have its own game,.


Any rugby player how doesn’t have his socks pulled all the way up is a slob. Such degenerates should go and play rugby league or something.

Rugby is a very accepting game :sweat_smile: generally. Ah so the grip is so your socks … go to the inside of your boot … so you can wear boots that are too big for you? Or something? Or do they grip to your leg hairs? :grimacing: so you remain looking pretty the whole game in the backs?

I am guessing Zammit definitely wore them.

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How many washes will YOU last before your calf climbing career is over?

What a GRIPPING title!

I reckon they should have grip on the shorts of those being lifted int he line out and anywhere you would hold in a scrum…

Sometimes you just wanna say “Oof”. This is one of those times …

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Good questions actually.

I would say out of those, grip socks would be third on my lists behind: 1. Different brand boots. And 2. different types of strapping. Reason for that being is how commonly used it is by the best to players vs the other things you listed.

That being said, I would love to see everything else you listed in the game too. Different customization options is a big part of sports video games for me.

I just love the look of grip socks. It makes a players style look so cool.

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They grip to the insole of the boot so the foot doesn’t shift at all.

Yes Zammit 100% wore them


Pretty valid reasons I reckon. I do like the way they look.

The grip would also guard against injury, I have rolled my ankle a couple of times for this reason I think.

Maybe grip socks could have saved me.

They definitely help with that. I have bad ankles so I tape my ankles under the sock as well as where grip socks.

But yes, it’s definitely a valid ask to be in game due to how good they look, as well as the popularity of them amongst the best players in the world.

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Can’t forget these too. Absolute classic, everyone wore them 20 years ago.


I think John Bon Jovi wore those?

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