Wish list for rugby 24

:rofl: I apologize mate. Was just going off the account title.


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A must have. @bigant admin lol

Would love to see the no 2 ( i cant write the actual position as its too risky for big ant forums) control the ball from the back of the maul. Even splitting the maul would be mean.

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Great Maul, Ruck, and Scrum animations are absolutely mandatory. In game animations for all aspect of the game are necessary for realism.

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More important than grip socks?
What about line out animations? I want to see the hoooker and the towel.

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A good quick throw in mech is needed too. It features so much in the modern game.

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I was thinking the hooooooker at the back of the maulā€¦Surrounded by grip socks. Kid with the towel on stand by near the touch judges.


Another long shot lol. Would love to see different play books for teams. Even some classic playbooks lol. Imagine pulling off the highlanders set piece with Sopoagas backwards kick lol. Or even the AB set move from 2000 against the Wallabies.

Should the kids and touch judges have grip socks too?


How could they possibly stand up without them ?

Yeah I took that word off the ban list. As long as itā€™s used in the correct manner it is fine. Canā€™t really have a rugby forum and not use hooker right.


I think you should add ā€œgripsocksā€ to the band list


When you say correct mannerā€¦ does that include rugby position based puns.
Because theres certainly a couple of people in the various forums that are total flankers. :joy:


Shots fired by the Mad Dragon

Cmon man. Obviously.

It goes gameplay, animations, game modes, and then player equipment/player realism

Wow. Early access delayed again.

I donā€™t care, just as long as they get it right. If they delay this much and the game is buggy and not perfect, then it will be a shame.

That being said, it seems it will still be the best rugby game ever just knowing Big Ants past work.

I feel like this delay has something to do with the 3D mapping of the grip socks. I heard they need to travel around and get a few more grip sock shots to really make an impactful game.

P.s I own some actually lol. The Ngani Laumape ones.


Yep, itā€™s definitely due to the grip socks. Whoever brought them up should know that we are having to wait longer because they raised such a crucial missing piece of the Rugby puzzle.

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:rofl:. I wear grip socks every practice and match.

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