Wish list for rugby 24

They already have animations for catching a high pass and low pass, would be a good spot to add in increased handling error chances.

I like these ideas

Edit: Also were discussing the idea of having the ability to change your defensive line speed during a match in game. Maybe a D Pad or Click the LS or something, faster line speed may mean closing down defences faster but possibly tackle effectiveness is not quite as good. On the flip side a slower line speed would mean more effective tackling but gives the opposition more time on the ball.

Maybe you could have a slow, standard and fast set of options. Failing this it would be great to still have the options to select this in your team strategy menu before matches.

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A couple QoL Academy improvements.
Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s like in AFL and Cricket so if these are already possible I apologise in advance.

Iā€™d like to see sharing/downloading of just jerseys.
The ability to share/download full League rosters.
The ability sort downloaded academy content by ā€œrecently downloadedā€.


Season stats (tries scored, tackles made, minutes played, ect)


I would love to see the ref do TMO check checks for foul play. Where the ref stops the clock to take a look at potential foul play, rather than just always have a whistle blown and a result at the time of the incident.

For the try TMO referrals as well having them rewind and replay the same piece of footage at varying speeds etc rather than just try replay type playbacks would be amazing.

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Yeah, and a cutscene with the ref explaining TMO decision, not just next scene (i.e. kicking for goal after TMO check if the try is ok).


I would also like to see empty stadiums if you are losing through the season and full stadiums for if you are winning or fro finals


And if itā€™s Scotland vs France they should get it wrong and disallow a perfectly good try. (I am totally over this)


Um ā€¦ yeah mate ā€¦ I can see you have ā€¦ resolved your issues with that game :grimacing:

Maybe next year ā€¦

Edit: But actually ā€¦ is the refs occasionally getting it wrong something that could be cool in a game? (If VERY rarely) or is that a no go area?

One thing I enjoyed about rugby 22 was the sp points you got from the trivia questions. I would like to see the trivia questions and some sort if points or currency brought in to rugby 25 but would like some other things to spend them on other than the character packs (maybe you can by coaching, boots, try celebrations and set plays)

  • UI idea: Would like to see an ā€˜offside lineā€™ attached to the player who is offside as sometimes I donā€™t even know that my guy is half way on the other side of the field.

  • Another UI idea: Changing the circle indicator of a kick to a simple directional arrow that grows upon length itā€™s held down for.

  • UI Indicator that the halfback has possession of the ball at the base of a ruck / scrum

  • Additional camera view that is a mid point between sideline and behind - somewhat of an angled view for the team in possession.

  • Quicker animation for passing and kicking to hopefully make that feel more responsive - it might mean that you sacrifice ā€˜realism of animationā€™ over game functionality but right now, a lot of people including myself want responsiveness over playing out the real-time animation.

  • Do we need to have lineout cutscene each time thereā€™s a lineout? I understand itā€™s in place to hide the rearrangement of players on the field to be positioned correctly but could we possibly mix it up to be maybe a replay on how the ball went out / or who kicked the ball out (player running into position etc.)

  • Iā€™m still struggling with the responsiveness of the stick moves (ie. fend, sidestep etc.) Iā€™m wondering if this has been more tested on the behind view than sideline view? As when I switched it up it felt more responsive on the behind view.


Another thing I would like to see is legends such as jonah lomu, george gregan, jonny wilkinson, ect.

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A cool detail could be weather. Players slide and lose footing easuer when its raining or wet. There could also be pudles that if a player goes in it splashes everywher. Players have mud or grass on them at the end of a game or even white on them from the field lines. Players fatigue quicker when itā€™s hot and sweat when have a low energy bar. Wind can make it harder to kick. Stadiums like sky stadium in wellington are windy. Stadiums that have roofs like forsyth barr and marvel stadium wonā€™t get any weather. Also, crowds wear rain jackets/ponchos when it is raining.

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Hi guys, Hi @JNT_BA

I dont know if it has already been discussed before, but here is an option that could be cool to be implemented in the career mode, or at least a possibility to activate it or not.

In french leagues (Top 14 and Pro D2), the teams have some specific rules regarding the JIFF players (Joueur Issu de la Formation FranƧaise, meaning player issued and trained from french club when he was young). To be qualified as JIFF, a player needs to have taken part in a French clubs youth system before 21yo.

I dont know if it is the same in other leagues.

  • Top 14 and Pro D2 teams must have an average of 16 JIFFs players per game (at the end of the season)
  • Top 14 and Pro D2 teams can only have 13 non-JIFFs players maximum playing per season

If a club doesnt respect the average of 16 JIFFs per game sheet over the entire season, the club is penalized with a withdrawal of points for the following season. For Top 14 and Pro D2, this withdrawal is about 6 Points in the event of an average between 15 and 16 JIFFs, and increases by 2 Points per tranche, up to 12 Points if below 12 JIFFs.

Clubs that respect the JIFF rule are finantially rewarded. A club with at least 17 JIFFs on average receive 220 000 ā‚¬.

Could be cool to have it in the career, or have the choice to activate it or not

The website AllRugby is pretty accurate to indicate which players are JIFF.




I do really hope there is some thought into how a player qualifies for nations thinking about how dynamic that area is now ā€¦ look at Ireland with the NZ backpackers playing for them at the moment (post may contain traces of salt).

But having players able to represent one of two nations based on birth as well as a qualification path would be a real point of difference for this game. Considering how many nations there are included it would be very useful. Not to mention to extend your favourite players careers by having them represent minnow nations when older.

Even if it was far too much of an undertaking to do it fully accurately ā€¦ but you wanted to try and simulate this. If there was something as simplistic as a play club in X local competition for 5 seasons and they then qualify for the nation of that competition as secondary. Then if this was editable, you could go through and make this accurate as at release date yourself if it was important.

Not sure how deep career or the systems that are in behind that will be. Having it completely accurate would of course be best, but if impossible having something to simulate it would be ā€¦ second best :sweat_smile:

EDIT: More Wishes

Talking about the difficulties got me thinking ā€¦ (Sorry :rofl:)

I think Big Ant should make their Developer teams much more elite also. Rate all of yourselves super high so there is another level of challenge in there too. Maybe even have a BA Tour Series option. Like the Lions Tour. A best of 3 series for an achievement and trophy :slightly_smiling_face: or Red and Black teams in a Tri team comp where you add your selected team ā€¦ something like that.

Also just thought, canā€™t remember which game it was (Maybe 08) but you had your own trophy cabinet and when your team won a trophy it was placed in there. Be great if in career mode the club you use has a trophy cabinet that holds current trophies. Maybe some club records from your seasons in there too?

I donā€™t know how hard the latter is to implement but I think it was it could be nice touch. Especially if you are signing and releasing players etc. Looking back at who impacted your club over time was fun.



At the start of matches can we get the Tongan team do the sipi tau, the Samoan team do the siva tau and the fijian team do the cibi. I would also like to see the all blacks alternate between the regular ka mate an the kapa o pango. It could just be as simple as they do the kapa o pango at home and the ka mate away. Just another idea, love it if we could pick the kaea of the haka (leader).


Can we please have the trophy cabinet in the game again, itā€™s simple, but really motivates a player to fill that cabinet, thank you


What consoles will rugby 25 be on?

Pretty much all of them

For the world cup or international tests, you should be able to select your own squad of like 35 players from the pool of players eligible for the country.


Love to see the actual commentators from different countries such as australia, nz, south africa, england, Ireland, Argentina. I would also like for there to be acual refs like jaco peyper, nic berry, angus gardner, wayne barnes, luke pearce.